Friday, October 25, 2013


Various adaptations allow species to survive in the environment they live, the adaptation or specialized structure gives them the ability to survive. View the pictures for examples of adaptations.
Size -

The Tulip Poplar or yellow poplar is a member of the magnolia family. It is native to Southeast Missouri and often grows to be the tallest of the hardwood trees which is a good thing because the lumber is often used for furniture. interior finish and veneers. This is fast growing tree was planted by my son 18 years ago.

Behavior - Advertising
Collard Lizard
I took the picture of the Eastern Collard Lizard on Stegal Mtn. His behavior is certainly not attracting me.

Behavior - Showy display

Missouri's state tree, the flowering dogwood has showy flowering branches. The leaves don't appear until the flowers fade. This tree has an outstanding showy feature for almost every season; cross-shaped white flowers in spring, gray-green leaves with parallel veins in summer, and scarlet fruit and leaves in fall.The dogwood is an understory tree that likes the shaded parts of the forest.

Behavior - Food gathering

These insects are busy getting the required nutrients from the bright yellow flower. The flower could be used to demonstrate showy behavior with its bright yellow color or advertising behavior with the center portion sitting above the petals.
Coloration - Blended or hidden

This is a picture of a female Eastern Collard Lizard that I also took on Stegal Mtn. on Peck Ranch CA. You must admit it is difficult to see.

I haven't yet found pictures for these categories, maybe next summer I can get pictures.  
Coloration - Mimicry
pattern on a Broad Banded Water Snake so you can see what it resembles
Coloration - Warning
Monarch Butterfly or red milk snake
Shape -
A fish would fit nicely here
Behavior - Nesting
I have several bird nests to get a shot of
Behavior - Warning
an insect's stinger, lots of reptiles but they are mostly things I don't want to get too close for a picture

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